Yes, you can place your order over the phone,

Yes, you can just cancel your order (within 15 minutes) by contacting our team via email, direct call or customer support messenger in the bottom right corner and place a new ‘correct’ order.

Yes, to make an order we will ask you to create an account on our website. Or sign as guest

The minimum basket size is £20 (GBP) per order .

We now operate in Birmingham and surrounding areas, you can always check you area by typing your postcode on our main landing page

There is a free delivery if you spend over £70 (GBP), other delivery fees are £2.50 (GBP) for orders above £20 (GBP) and £5.00 (GBP) for orders below £20

We accept Card Payments (Debit & Credit) and PayPal.

You can find your order details in confirmation email and receipt that we will provide you with.

Please read the “Return policy page ” page.

If you are not satisfied with one of our products/service, please share with us your experience via Drift (customer support messenger in the bottom right corner), email, newsletter or any social media and you will be assisted immediately.

To get a refund for missing items you will need to email (we typically reply within 1-2 hours on working days) or call us and our team will take you through this process step by step.

Yes, you can cancel your order, but only within 15 minutes once you have placed an order.

We don’t charge you for bags,

We do run regular discounts and promotion campaigns, which you can find if you sign to our newsletter or subscribe to Facebook